Imprint in the clay
Hello :-)

I'm glad I'm coming back to Tyflow !

I'm looking to do an imprint in the clay (like sand)
a tool is going to do an impact to make the imprint (but the tool itself will be invisible) and the clay should be projected all around and flying a bit,  the "particles dust" may also clump together a bit perhaps making some "clusters". I may add some wind turbulences to add some magical.

here is an exemple of this effect :

I Didn't really find some tutorial for now, so that's why I'm here,
May be someone could orient me on the right track and tell me what procedures and operators I should use with tyflow to do this ?

Thank you
I think for the imprint you could use VDB

like in this tutorial.
you would subtract the imprint. like he is subtracting the wavey line in the middle

for the dust particles use a seperate tyflow

birth > position icon 

Use a wind force to produce a burst of air or something to cheat the particles into looking the same as the video.

The particles in the video are very fine, i've never tried to do particles so small before.

hope that helps
(02-12-2022, 05:44 PM)ldotchopz Wrote: I think for the imprint you could use VDB

like in this tutorial.
you would subtract the imprint. like he is subtracting the wavey line in the middle

for the dust particles use a seperate tyflow

birth > position icon 

Use a wind force to produce a burst of air or something to cheat the particles into looking the same as the video.

The particles in the video are very fine, i've never tried to do particles so small before.

hope that helps

Hello idotchopz, thank you for your help!
It was a good advice.

Originally I planned to do it with probolean modifier in 3ds max and use tyflow only for the projected sand; But VDB work way better for the imprint !

Now I have to find how I can generate the projected sand !

I guess I can use Birth intersection to start creating particles exactly where the contact is made between the tool and the clay ? but I struggle to find a way to make explode the particles in different direction around the tool while using the clay cavity as a collision surface .

I can't even make the particles appear. I tried to do it like this tutorial :, it works when I'm using to simple geometrical objects intersecting (like in this YT example) but I don't know why I can't to the same using my imprint tool and my tyflow "engraved" clay, no particules are created ! may be I have to convert first the Tyflow dynamicaly engraved animated clay in a animated collapsed object ?
I think I solve this problem, I had to create a New Tyflow object, using tool and first generated Tyflow object as geometries in the birth intersections settings

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