various c# scripting questions

Been doing a bit of c# scripting in Tyflow but Im struggling to figure out couple of things

A. How download a c# library and use it through through the "additional c" assemblies" in script operatror. What file formats should i look for, *.cs or *.dll and where should i place them, alongside maxfile or can reference by normal path ala c:/myassembly.dll?

B. When trying to rotate particles in script op i always run into the Quaternion wall - I simply cant make those Quats do what i want. Googling I find methods like CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3,Single) which makes sense to me define an axis and rotation amount, BUT it doesnt seem to work in script operator.

Where i found the CreateFromAxisAngle method

Messages In This Thread
various c# scripting questions - by keddefar - 10-10-2022, 07:23 AM
RE: various c# scripting questions - by tyFlow - 10-12-2022, 09:12 PM
RE: various c# scripting questions - by keddefar - 10-13-2022, 07:19 AM

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