Combine Physx & Cloth if collision
Hi, I'm trying experimenting with TyFlow by making myself small challenges (im a newbie to this). Currently I'm trying to Combine Cloth and PhysX into one emitter that burst out coins and paper money. While I'm able to get a decent behavior for the coins and the paper, I'm unable to keep that behavior while also having them collide with each other in a realistic fashion. I have made one separate Particle preset for each, so that I can adjust Physic settings separately and the cloth particle separately and then I've tried to use "particle physics" operator to make the collide with each other. I'm trying to achieve so that the paper money doesn't stop the coins from falling, but the coins would push the paper money while going down, and when they hit the ground they would stack up and not intersect with each other. While I'm able to get each of the particle to behave correctly with themselves, I'm struggling to understand how I can achieve the combined behavior.

Any tips/help someone can provide? I haven't found anything in the example scenes that can help me with this. 
Here's my setup:

Messages In This Thread
Combine Physx & Cloth if collision - by DoonBarrum - 04-09-2019, 05:31 PM

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