tyflow cache hardware limits
I am currently trying to cache out particles from a simple scene using a phoenix sim to birth and drive particles. I am really trying to push as many particles as possible for the look that I want (approx 4-5 mil), but am crashing once I get to an individual tycache frame size of 180meg. I can usually output 3-4 frames before a hard 3dsmax crash.
I've turned off all in scene caching as well as turning off generating any tyobjects with the hope of focusing purely on generating the tycache.
My ram never seems to peak so I'm looking for a solution. 

i7 7820x @3.60GHz
128 GB ram
x2 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti

Keep up the great work!


Messages In This Thread
tyflow cache hardware limits - by neurotensin - 01-28-2023, 10:11 PM
RE: tyflow cache hardware limits - by tyFlow - 01-29-2023, 02:15 AM

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