08-09-2023, 01:54 PM
(08-22-2021, 11:14 AM)d4rk3lf Wrote: You can also use object bind operator.
Make a sphere, add a noise, animate noise however you like.
Then in Tyflow...
- Birth (at zero frame (start and end), as many particles as you like).
- Position object (pick a sphere)
- Object bind (pick a sphere), and set it to surface (snap to surface)
Now, they will be stuck on the surface of the sphere, and will follow it's animation.
You can add a force (turbulent wind), and lower object bind force to zero, and they will swirl around the sphere, but no particle fill leave it's surface.
Hi. I am seeing a similar problem. The idea is simple:
A moving sphere with particles flying around it.
I made a birth, then I positioned the particles over sphere, I added Force to swirl the particles and I added Object Bind.
I tried addind the Force after the Bind but I get the same. The particles are sticked on the surface. I reduced the Friction but then the particles started to not follow the entire movement of the sphere. And if zero, the particles kept the force but still in the first position.
Any toughts??