Version for read-only user ?

We are a studio working on full length feature film.
We are using tyFlow Pro for our SFX team and everything works fine.

All our tyFlow fx are cached to tyCache and send to our lighting team.
And now my quetion is : witch version of tyFlow are we supposed to deploy on the lighting team to open scene (with tyflow / tyCache), render local and than render on renderfarm ?

I've tried to deploy tyFlow_2023_render.dlo but tyFlow are not visible in open scen & render local, works only for network render.

Are we allow to deploy Free version ?  it seems to match our needs

Thanks !


Messages In This Thread
Version for read-only user ? - by -pingus- - 09-27-2023, 02:45 PM
RE: Version for read-only user ? - by tyFlow - 09-27-2023, 02:48 PM
RE: Version for read-only user ? - by -pingus- - 09-27-2023, 02:53 PM

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