I just want to say thank you! FINALLY!
Ty the hero! 

Finally someone smart enough took it upon themselves to fix the disgustingly bad particle system in 3dsmax! THANK YOU!! 

I can't tell how often I look at something done with 4 clicks in C4D thinking... it can't be that hard... and then I realize it's actually faster to just learn C4D than to set it up in max... but no more! Big Grin

I can't wait to play, test and follow the deveopment of this.  <3

EDIT: turns out I can't seem to add a file.. oh well! 
p.s. I have attached a small mov, it's dead simple and nothing to really show off, but even something this simple was so painful to do with control before, and though I have never used tyflow before, it took me less than 5mins to figure out how to setup, because it just kind of did as I expected it would... unlike Pflow.  

Well! happy days!

Messages In This Thread
I just want to say thank you! FINALLY! - by snakeboxmedia - 04-02-2019, 09:53 AM

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