shape operator - edit parameter on multiple objects
Hm, ok, but so that means shape or scale overrides after the voxelisation and particle bind or particle ohysics DOESN'T affect the simulation down the flow... Because I was wondering if that had messed with my flows cache, since the display sprites looked much smaller after adding shape and scale ops. 

Just bear with me for a second, not sure I have my logic right...  
1. Let's say I set my particles to 0.1cm
2. I have the particle bind and particle physics op after that in my flow, adjust my settings accordingly, until I get the results I want. 
The display sprites show 0.1cm sprites. 
3. Now I add a shape op after that, pick some meshes and scale them down, so they look roughly as big as the 0.1cm sprites looked like. I possibly add a scale op after the shape op, if I have a lot of different meshes picked and wanna globally scale them. 
4. If I set display back to sprites, they now are smaller. 
5. But since the flow is evaluated from top to down, the particle bind and physics op shouldn't be affected by the shape and scale ops, only the final look of the particles will, right? 

I still have to finish testing the scene I wanted to send you, it now seems like it wasn't a problem with the export, now that I stripped down the scene, it also looks in the ram cache, like some frames of the Sim are not swimming right.
Possibly it's just because I made the birth voxels smaller, but didn't adjust the particle bind/physics settings. Since I used the same sized shape ops, I didn't think I had to adjust these...

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RE: shape operator - edit parameter on multiple objects - by insertmesh - 04-13-2019, 11:17 AM

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