IParticleObjectExt interface with tyFlow returns bones but not a skin
Oh sorry, I forgot to mention, since your renderer name isn't hard-coded as an approved renderer, you'll need to call CollectInstances with the plugin name "renderer" to get instances, not "dali" in this case - with just "dali" you're getting regular particle data which only included typical transforms/meshes, not deforming meshes.

As for deleting tyInstancesSE...are you sure it's not a bug in your code? You're not accidentally deleting it twice or something? The function I return it in is akin to:

tyFlow::tyVector<tyFlow::tyInstanceInfo>* collectInstances(...)
    auto arr = new tyFlow::tyVector<tyFlow::tyInstanceInfo>();
    //...do stuff
    return arr;

So it should be a unique and valid pointer that's returned, that passes ownership to the caller. Hard to imagine why a crash is occurring when it's deleted...

Messages In This Thread
RE: IParticleObjectExt interface with tyFlow returns bones but not a skin - by tyFlow - 02-29-2024, 10:53 PM

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