IParticleObjectExt interface with tyFlow returns bones but not a skin
Thank you very much!

This new version fixes both issues:
- no crashes now;
- the skin is in output and no bones.

Little remark. Warnings in header file:

1>C:\Compile\Dali Renderer\DaliRenderer3dsMax\tyFlow\tyParticleObjectExt_v2.h(131,3): warning C4309: 'initializing': truncation of constant value
1>C:\Compile\Dali Renderer\DaliRenderer3dsMax\tyFlow\tyParticleObjectExt_v2.h(131,29): warning C4369: 'tyFlow::pluginMustDelete': enumerator value '-2147483648' cannot be represented as 'unsigned int', value is '2147483648'
1>C:\Compile\Dali Renderer\DaliRenderer3dsMax\tyFlow\tyParticleObjectExt_v2.h(246,16): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'size_t', possible loss of data

Messages In This Thread
RE: IParticleObjectExt interface with tyFlow returns bones but not a skin - by DaliRenderer - 03-01-2024, 05:23 PM

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