Multifracture Material ID
Am not sure if I requested this earlier, sorry if Iam repeating myself. 
I think it will be useful to have the option to not overwrite cap material ID in Multifracture operator since the input mesh could have multiple Matl ID per element much like the old Voronoi Fracture operator.  


Messages In This Thread
Multifracture Material ID - by drawer14 - 03-15-2024, 03:14 AM
RE: Multifracture Material ID - by tyFlow - 03-15-2024, 03:46 AM
RE: Multifracture Material ID - by drawer14 - 03-15-2024, 04:57 AM
RE: Multifracture Material ID - by tyFlow - 03-16-2024, 04:44 AM
RE: Multifracture Material ID - by drawer14 - 03-17-2024, 02:13 AM

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