Particle Spawn from Collision of Two Non-Particles?
I think I'm not quite getting how to use the Birth Intersection operator...

I'm having a hard time getting the effect I'd like. I think operator is right, but I don't know how to get a (relatively even number of particles out of each intersection - different density and threshold values generate particles on a couple of the surfaces, but I'm unable to get any combination to generate particles on one intersection.

Honestly, I'd like to know I'm not going down the wrong path for the effect. I would really appreciate any direction you can give for getting this right. I'm trying to visualize inductive eddy currents which are created when a magnetic field contacts a moving conductor. So the conductor is the soda can, the splines are the main magnetic field, and the intersections are where the eddy currents are generated (with the red ellipses showing the field of the eddy current).

My thought process:
  1. Have the tyicon generate particles any time it collided with the can.
  2. Make these spawn in a ring-shape that grow using the spread operator.
  3. Have this ring be parallel with the face of the can.

Do you feel like this is the appropriate way to go about this? I'm not sure how to get particles to spawn from a single point of each intersection, nor do I know how to make the spread operator aligned with the surface of the can, so I'd love to kn ow if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

Thanks for your help Smile


Messages In This Thread
RE: Particle Spawn from Collision of Two Non-Particles? - by stusic - 03-17-2024, 01:07 AM

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