New PhysX Video - Full Chain and Sprockets
G'Day Everybody

I wanted to know if tyFlow could handle a full dynamic animation of a to scale bicycle chain and two sprockets. There were quite a few mind twisters to get it all working solidly, One that I didn't think about, is it seems that when turning into PhysX, there is a slight stretch of the objects and I need to add a tension roller to tighten the chain. Its just a 1 minute video but it was fun to make.

There were some quirks and things I would do in another way if I was to do it again. I would consider scaling up, I would place the chain differently before placing it in a loop, I would have a center point on the pins of the chain to make positioning perfectly.


Messages In This Thread
New PhysX Video - Full Chain and Sprockets - by rjanders0003 - 03-25-2024, 12:57 PM

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