(05-10-2024, 02:38 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Did you call updateParticles first?
Yes, I did call updateParticles first. As in the post image, the first line is $.updateParticles 15.
I also tried to write those code into a ms script. The result is also the same.
By the way, I can get Id from getAllParticleIDs(), when I have 169 particles, the array is properly filled with (1, 2, 3, ..., 169). But getParticleAge always returns 0, getParticlePosition returns (0, 0, 0) no matter what frame number I gave to updateParticles() function.
I attached my max scene and script run result.
here's my test code:
macroScript TestTools_TyflowTest category:"Test Tools" buttontext:"Test Tools" tooltip:"Test Tools"
fn TestRead = (
local tf = $tyFlow002
--local tfSpline = $tfSplines001
tf.updateParticles 15 -- update before read
local numParticles = tf.numParticles()
-- local tms = tf.getAllParticleTMs()
-- show tf -- properties
-- showinterfaces tf -- methods
-- numParticles = 1
format "TestRead: tf: %, numPartciels: %\n" tf numParticles
format "Class tf %\n" (superClassOf tf) -- GeometryClass
--format "Class tfSpline %\n" (superClassOf tfSpline) -- tfSpline Value
--for j in 1 to numParticles do
--local tm = tms[j]
local ids = tf.getAllParticleIDs()
format "tf id array: %\n" ids
for id in ids do
format "processing particle id: %\n" id
local age = tf.getParticleAge(id)
local pos = tf.getParticlePosition(id)
format "age: %; pos: %\n" age pos
macros.run "Test Tools" "TestTools_TyflowTest"
the result is