(07-03-2024, 12:57 AM)tyFlow Wrote: I'm not sure if you're the same user who posted a similar question on discord...but either way, if you can send me both the tyDiffusion settings file and ComfyUI workspace from the setup, I can look into it. Looks like maybe a special character isn't being escaped properly in my JSON parser (are you using non-English windows?)...shouldn't be too hard to diagnose once I get those files.
Workspace can be exported from the tyDiffusion presets menu.
tyDiffusion settings file is here: c:\ProgramData\tyFlow\tyDiffusion\tyDiffusionSettings.xml
I don't have your discord
I attached you the file "tyDiffusionSettings" and additionally, video windows in 3DsMax.
I don't seem to have any non-English windows
Will this files be enough?