Unable to view duplicate named operator in python
have a tyflow simulation with multiple events, 2 events named the same
I get a tyflow instance by `rt.objects() where the classof is `TyFlow`
In a debug view I see a list of  tyEvents with names like `Event_003` based on the name of the event in the tyflow node view.

If I have two nodes named the same, lets say "Event_005"
if `show $` in the listener
I see 2 `.Event_005` attributes

using pymxs import runtime as rt

if I rt.getPropNames(node)
OR dir(node)

## Actual:

There is only 1 "Event_005"

## Expected

There should be 2 events named "Event_005"


My guess is that you are setting events as attributes of an object, there cant be more than one with the same value, but when I show $ I do see both events.

I am developing a tool and I have so far had to tell the artists using that "If you arent seeing what you expect in the list, check for duplicate naming"

Any help would be much appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
Unable to view duplicate named operator in python - by mwilding - 09-24-2024, 06:46 PM

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