Apply wobble to grass growth?
Hello everybody.

I made a torus knot with growing grass and would like to add movement (Wobble) to the grass.
But I cant really figure out when/where to use Wobble?

Some help would be appreciated Smile


.max   WobbleGrowth.max (Size: 724 KB / Downloads: 14)

Messages In This Thread
Apply wobble to grass growth? - by GreenDK - 11-27-2024, 06:35 AM
RE: Apply wobble to grass growth? - by GreenDK - 12-02-2024, 12:19 PM
RE: Apply wobble to grass growth? - by d4rk3lf - 12-02-2024, 01:40 PM
RE: Apply wobble to grass growth? - by GreenDK - Yesterday, 07:24 AM

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