Has Anyone Successfully Created a Shader in Unreal 5.4 Compatible with tyVAT Formats?
Hi everyone,

I’ve been experimenting with tyFlow’s Vertex Animation Textures (tyVAT) and trying to implement a shader in Unreal Engine 5.4 that works with one of the tyVAT formats (Relative Offset, World Position Offset, etc.).

So far, I’ve managed to import the .exr file and set up the basic texture sampling, but I’m struggling to ensure proper vertex displacement and animations. Specifically, decoding the texture data (e.g., bounds normalization for Relative Offset) and connecting it correctly to the World Position Offset node in the material is proving challenging.

Has anyone here managed to build a working shader for Unreal Engine 5.4 that’s compatible with tyVAT? If so:
  • Which tyVAT format did you use?
  • Any tips or tricks to handle texture data (e.g., bounds normalization)?
  • How did you integrate time-based animation playback?

Any guidance or examples would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Messages In This Thread
Has Anyone Successfully Created a Shader in Unreal 5.4 Compatible with tyVAT Formats? - by frascow - 11-28-2024, 02:14 PM

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