01-12-2025, 12:26 PM
I have placed object test below to be more like a timer. Passing this level starts delay timer. After certain time particles move to fracture event, but they are staying in the same area since they are in the dissolving process. Then I have another event they fracture even more and after another delay are deleted (dissolved into liquid). I do the liquid part with Chaos Phoenix while tyFlow particles are deleted after becoming small. The liquid is screened away so there will be left only intact junk particles in the volume - so in the end I have liquid at a liquid pool and junk particles in the junk trap. The liquid changes color during the process duo to dissolved particles.
In the beginning I have two kinds of particles in the same birth event: the ones that will be dissolved and vanished and the ones that will stay intact and travel to junk trap.
I have placed object test below to be more like a timer. Passing this level starts delay timer. After certain time particles move to fracture event, but they are staying in the same area since they are in the dissolving process. Then I have another event they fracture even more and after another delay are deleted (dissolved into liquid). I do the liquid part with Chaos Phoenix while tyFlow particles are deleted after becoming small. The liquid is screened away so there will be left only intact junk particles in the volume - so in the end I have liquid at a liquid pool and junk particles in the junk trap. The liquid changes color during the process duo to dissolved particles.
In the beginning I have two kinds of particles in the same birth event: the ones that will be dissolved and vanished and the ones that will stay intact and travel to junk trap.