Just wanted to suggest you to further explore the possibility (if you want).
So let's take your example from the far right (the blue one)... or the animation tests at the end...
It's all PhysX right?
Both cloth and the rigid bodies.
Now, after you do that PhysX sim... imagine you cache the cloth.
Then you add like turbosmooth x 2 on that cloth.
Then you create completely new flow, where you birth object (cloth), give it a Cuda cloth, and then grab some random vertices to follow (with object bind) original cloth sim done with physX.
That way you will get another cloth sim, but much more detailed then PhysX one.
The PhysX cloths are always (in my eyes) a bit too rigid, and they tend to jitter.... I've never succeed making with them something like silk, with lots of fine wrinkles.
I hope it makes sense.
It's just like an additional pass for PhysX cloth, so the cloth looks nicer.
And it's probably not going to work in every scenario.
So let's take your example from the far right (the blue one)... or the animation tests at the end...
It's all PhysX right?
Both cloth and the rigid bodies.
Now, after you do that PhysX sim... imagine you cache the cloth.
Then you add like turbosmooth x 2 on that cloth.
Then you create completely new flow, where you birth object (cloth), give it a Cuda cloth, and then grab some random vertices to follow (with object bind) original cloth sim done with physX.
That way you will get another cloth sim, but much more detailed then PhysX one.
The PhysX cloths are always (in my eyes) a bit too rigid, and they tend to jitter.... I've never succeed making with them something like silk, with lots of fine wrinkles.
I hope it makes sense.
It's just like an additional pass for PhysX cloth, so the cloth looks nicer.
And it's probably not going to work in every scenario.