soft bodies not loosing shape, voxel problem?
The volume stiffness is identical to Houdini Vellum struts and isn't really that great for achieving stiff softbody forces. It's better in situations where you need a small amount of volume binding strength to help maintain the shape of a flexible surface (think: hot air balloon).

The best way to simulate stiff softbodies is similar to your #2. The steps I would take are the following:

1) spawn voxels in a particle and send them to event #2
2) convert the same particle to cloth
3) in event #2, use a particle bind to bind all your voxels together as well as to the particles that form the cloth

That will give you a deforming surface (cloth) that is strengthened internally by the matrix of voxelized particles within. Those particles shouldn't be made renderable and instead exist only to reinforce the internal structure of the mesh.

Keep in mind binding strength is tied directly to sim substeps. For a sim like this you'll want probably 1/4 or 1/8 substeps, with bind solver substeps probably being in the range of 20-25.

Messages In This Thread
RE: soft bodies not loosing shape, voxel problem? - by tyFlow - 04-18-2019, 09:21 PM

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