04-27-2019, 08:56 PM
Thanks Tyson! It took some more trail and error but I think I have the correct setup now (see screenshot). Trying to have the Bind op in either Birth event wasn't working so I ended up doing a send out of both to a new event that contains the Flow Update and the Bind. On a related note, I've been a bit stumped from day one about how the "bind non-sibling" option is supposed to work. My assumption is that it will allow particles or physx shapes to bind with everything BUT those born in the same event. However, I cannot ever get it to work at all and when I use this option my bindings simply never happen. I usually end up using group limits instead, but it would be nice to understand a little more about the non-sibling option since it seems like a more elegant method to do what I want. Is there any chance it's just not working correctly, or am I simply misunderstanding something?