interaction between several flows
-Tyson Ibele, about the new multi tabs functionality, could be possible to select a choosed flow icon bouble clicking on its name? a faster access to every single flow setting would be nice.

-Related to multi flow simulation, looking at the simple test image is the better method I found to apply kinematic behaviour to a flow (1) imported in a second flow (2) so the spheres (1) continue their trajectory whit no speed variation.

     -Is that method an elegant way?
     -2 flows is more cpu consuming then a single flow?
     -an exported "spheres"  simulation (1) remain the better solution to add secondary dynamics?

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Messages In This Thread
interaction between several flows - by savat - 06-14-2019, 01:15 PM
RE: interaction between several flows - by tyFlow - 06-15-2019, 02:14 AM
RE: interaction between several flows - by savat - 06-15-2019, 09:29 AM

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