tyMesher suggestions
I got one more...
I´ve basically just played around a lot and noticed that sometimes it seems like tyMesh respects the particle shape in the meshing process and sometimes it doesn´t, but instead just uses the particle pivot to place blobs.

Sounds fishy and like I just don´t get how it works and possibly I´m just seeing things that are not there.
But for example, I had a voronoi fractured piece and tyMesher seemed to hug the voronoi shapes closely (at least with enough resolution). And then I had some other shapes and I just got blobs at their pivots.

Hm, I think I know where my confusion is coming from.

I had tried tyMesher with a voronoi to cloth conversion setup to get a more organic breakup than just with voronoi.
So due to the cloth conversion I suddenly had the (invisible) cloth particles that got meshed, when before I had only the voronoi particles. I still get blobs at particle positions in both cases and it just looks as it "sometimes" meshes the shape and sometimes just the positions.

So unfortunately the thing I´m trying to do now isn´t working out of the box.

If I have one big shape as a parent particle and many smaller shapes spawned on its surface, I´m not getting that big shape and the smaller shape in the tyMesher, but only one small blob for the parent particle and many smaller blobs for the spawned particles, wether I have shape and mesh op in the flow or not.

One workaround would be to spawn smaller particles on each particles surface, (the big one and the smaller ones on its surface) so tyMesh has more particles to mesh.


Create a Max Mesher object and pick that in the tyMesher.

So, ultimately, yeah, would be great if we could have an option to either pick particle positions OR the shapes as a base for the mesher.

Unless I´m still doing it wrong and thats already possible without the max mesher workaround.

I´m adding a couple of screens to illustrate this mess of a description...

Ok, here is the model I want meshed (object+particles spawned on surface)


Here I tried creating it in one tyFlow (spawning the object and the particles on the parent surface) and meshing that. With the resulting small blobs per particle position.


Here is the workaround with the max mesher compound object.


Messages In This Thread
tyMesher suggestions - by vklein - 06-24-2019, 08:38 PM
RE: tyMesher suggestions - by insertmesh - 06-25-2019, 10:29 AM
RE: tyMesher suggestions - by tyFlow - 06-25-2019, 05:31 PM
RE: tyMesher suggestions - by insertmesh - 06-25-2019, 07:37 PM
RE: tyMesher suggestions - by insertmesh - 06-28-2019, 02:46 PM
RE: tyMesher suggestions - by insertmesh - 07-05-2019, 07:35 AM
RE: tyMesher suggestions - by Eloi Andaluz - 07-07-2019, 03:57 PM

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