voronoi smoothing and simulation problems

Thank you Tyson for this fantastic plugin, its really cool.

But I have two problems, if you can look at this please:

First: I convert a simple sphere to particles and use Voronoi Fracture, but polygon smoothness is bad. Sphere fall down and looks fragmented allready. I think Rayfire fix this issue somehow in latest versions. Is there something we can do with this?

Second: I tried to fix this problem with different approach. I send particles to the second event with PhysX Collision and put Voronoi Fracture there. Sphere looks ok now, but when hit the ground, it goes up before fragment and after that all fragments fall down. It looks really weird. Am I missing something or should I do this in different way?

Please look at two videos:

Thank you.

Jiri Matys

Messages In This Thread
voronoi smoothing and simulation problems - by Tim007 - 04-03-2019, 09:00 AM

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