VrayVELOCITY Pass Strange Behaviour
Hi all,
Tyson I'm here to thanks for your work, and for give my contribution to make your tyFlow the best tool on Industry.

CONFIGURATION: 3dsMax 2019 + tyFlow v0.16037 + VRay Next GPU Update 1.2  


During the production of a VFX for our client I've this problem to calculate the VRay Velocity pass of a tyEVENT where Fishes (as rigged Actors) flyes out of water.
The Velocity pass in some random frames was calculate and in others NOT. I think that the problem is in the Birth node because with a simple scene the Velocity pass works but when I animate the Birth per pixel value, or if I raise the value of the particle in the total frame mode Birth, the Velocity makes this strange behaviour. I attached some images to let you understand the situation.
You can verify the problem even in your scene tyFlow_worms_001 (attached), if you change the Particle birth Total to a smaller value (i.e.: 6) Vray Velocity it's OK, If you left the value 100, the vray velocity do not appear, this behaviour happened with Vray GPU Next Update 1.2.

- "Stranger things"  Big Grin appened when i switch to the Vray Next Update 1.2 (CPU), in this case the Velocity pass do not work ever.


P.S.: I'm Italian so sorry for my bad English, hope You've understood.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.max   tyFlow_worms_001.max (Size: 732 KB / Downloads: 340)

Messages In This Thread
VrayVELOCITY Pass Strange Behaviour - by madmatt - 07-16-2019, 12:40 PM

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