VrayVELOCITY Pass Strange Behaviour
Is true that with Vray Next CPU Update 1 Velocity pass is calculated, but the big problem is that if I sent the render in a render farm there's no consistency with the animation, there'll be a frame with a position a little bit different from the position calculated by another PC. So i used tyCache for that, but there's no way to calculate velocity pass with the tycache, I exported an alembic mesh e reimported in max but seems that there's no velocity information either in CPU & GPU. The motion BLUR in camera has the same problem of the velocity pass.

Hope to help.

P.S.: I've to downgrade from VrayNEXT Update 2.1 to Update 1 because it seems works better with tyFlow.

Messages In This Thread
VrayVELOCITY Pass Strange Behaviour - by madmatt - 07-16-2019, 12:40 PM
RE: VrayVELOCITY Pass Strange Behaviour - by madmatt - 07-23-2019, 04:52 PM

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