Retiming Issue
The retimer uses linear interpolations, not cubic interpolations, so if you retime things very, very slowly you'll see the linear trajectories between steps.

Also the cacher caches on whole frames only, so reducing substeps will have no effect on the retimer fidelity.

The interpolation itself has a flat trajectory, so you should not be seeing ease-in, ease-out within the subframe values...but due to the nature of the interpolation you may be noticing accelerations happening across multiple frames.

Messages In This Thread
Retiming Issue - by insertmesh - 08-23-2019, 03:09 PM
RE: Retiming Issue - by tyFlow - 08-23-2019, 03:23 PM
RE: Retiming Issue - by insertmesh - 09-02-2019, 07:53 AM

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