About [TIMING] start frame and end frame influence
(09-14-2019, 08:21 AM)d4rk3lf Wrote: Why don't you use "time test" operator, set to frame (for example 50), and then in new event you place cluster force. 
That way, in 50 frame, a force will affect every particle.

yep, that was another method i was considering.  but i thought TIMING panel was interesting, as it enabled me to keep everything in a single event.

not sure if having things in a single EVENT is better or worse, but this was a function i didn't see in particle flow for example, so thought i test it out.

or alternatively, i could keyframe the FORCE INTENSITY, but i liked they way how i could setup the FORCE, but control when it is ACTIVATED via the TIMING section.

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RE: About [TIMING] start frame and end frame influence - by illuminix - 09-14-2019, 11:46 AM

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