About [TIMING] start frame and end frame influence
I've taken a quick look at your system. 
Your "cluster force" is too weak. When I increase attack/repel parameter to above 0,4, it starts to affect all the particles. 
Also, don't forget to change timing from "particle age" to "frame". 
(use "particle age", if you want to affect each particles when they are born + 50 frames.. so, if one particle is born at 10th frame, the force will start affecting him in 60th frame) 
(use "frame", if you want to affect ALL the particles at 50th frame). 

If the "cluster force" turns out to be stronger then you want, you might want to use "slow" operator bellow it, to slow them down. 

Now, keep in mind that I haven't used "cluster force" operator myself, so I don't really know how it affect particles exactly. 
Regular force operator is enough (so far), for me. 
All in all, my blind guess is that your particle physics operator is stronger then "cluster force", and that's what keeps some particle in place.

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RE: About [TIMING] start frame and end frame influence - by d4rk3lf - 09-16-2019, 07:03 AM

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