cache re-sets to zero when rendering on each and every frame
I'm doing a building destruction and ran into a big problem.
tyflow resets the cache back to zero when rendering for each and every frame of my animation.
I never ran into this, in my other files and tests tyflow never dropped the cache back to zero for each frame.
tyflow also resets back to zero after the rendering is closed.

1st tflow caches to get to the frame
Then when rendering is selected I can see in the modifier under cache and the bottom command area, the cache is setting back to zero
Then when the rendering is closed the cache resets to zero yet again, argh!
This makes it impossible to even work in the file and just when I arrived at a rendering point in my workflow.
I'm using Arnold but I get the same thing with the scanline renderer.
Thanks for any help or suggestion of how to get around this,

Messages In This Thread
cache re-sets to zero when rendering on each and every frame - by 3dsyn - 09-18-2019, 09:05 PM

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