Wind force reducing object bind influence
Hi Tyson, thanks for replying!

I did try sticky ( I tried every combination possible haha) but it introduces 2 new problems for me. This is with friction and inherit at 0%

backstory: I've added a velocity limiter to stop the X and Y influence from the alembic ocean surface. otherwise props slingshot back and forth unrealistically instead of just bobbing up and down. I wish object bind had a way to turn off X & Y influence, that might solve everything in this specific case.

From my tests, when I have the limiter on, wind will not affect the props at all when object bind is set to sticky. (wind node is at the end of the stack)

The second problem with sticky is the props do not collide properly with the static collision objects in the scene. That only seems to work properly with linear or dynamic spring. Its like the stickyness, even at friction and inherit at 0% overides the collisions. (or maybe its the limiter?)

Is there a better way?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Wind force reducing object bind influence - by kysterama - 10-22-2019, 12:30 AM

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