(10-26-2019, 04:04 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Hi Savat,
The Scale operator can't do that by default, but you could easily achieve that with the Script operator. Just cast a ray from your particle position to the spline, get the distance, and set the Z-axis of each particle's scale to the distance value. Make sure your input shape has a height of 1 for this to work, or else you'll need to divide the resulting distance by the height of your shape.
Attached is a scene file showing how it's done. Note that the effect won't work if the raycast doesn't hit anything, so make sure all particles are beneath a part of the spline.
Really appreciated Tyson, I'm not a maxscripter and I know tha's a great limitation so...I'll study your script and hope to see more axamples about this operator. A future sectioned forum could contain this and other type of discussion per argument (scripts/crowds/cloth...). Bwt thanks again and good sunday.
Edit 01: what I need to do to see the script in action? nothing seems to scale moving helpers.
Edit 02: works well with version 55.