TY CACHE causing issue on render (looks like forced motionBlur)
Hi Ty and the community.

+ context


i have this TyFlow flow.  please bear in mind that i am new to the whole particle system, so my setup is a mess and probably inefficient.

so this is part of a single animation (1300 frame long) where particles come down and stack on top of each other, and on frame 1000, they start falling off.

to do this, i just passed on all the particles at frame 1000 to another event.

when i added TyCache to the main event (Event 004), it only meshed up to the point where the particles were passed out, which makes sense.

so to have a fluid animation, the workaround i used was to create TyCache on each Event to capture the particle as it was passed along.

and have multiple TyCache Nodes in the scene.

+ issue

it all looks fine on viewport, but when i render 
it seems when a particle is about to get sent to the next TyCache (as it was jumping event) there are some render issues.

below is two screenshot of normal frame, and problematic frame.


it feels like when the particle before moving to next TyCahce has a severe velocity, but no motion (as in the particle is in the right location, but has strong motion vector).

so when motion blur is off, renders fine, when motion blur is on, this will make the object to have very strong motion BLUR.

i also encountered this problem using SSS3 material with no Motion Blur, where SS3 will get dark for a few frames.

+ Question

1. when we have such multi event setup, what is a recommanded approach on using Caching or Tycache?

2. the motion blur issue, is this a known issue? 

Thank you in advance for your time and help!~

Messages In This Thread
TY CACHE causing issue on render (looks like forced motionBlur) - by illuminix - 10-29-2019, 07:02 AM

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