(Solved) Need help understanding Phoenix + TyFlow interaction
Hi Syu,

The velocity thresholds should be used in combination with the velocity channel option in order to properly tune velocity-based birth. The higher the minimum value, the more velocity a cell will need to have in order to trigger a particle birth. If you are seeing particles born everywhere in the grid, it's because your velocity threshold is too low. In your scene, a min value of 75 gives a good result. One thing to keep in mind is that the velocity threshold is in the Phoenix container's unit scale, which I believe is in units per second, not frame.

The reason your Fluid Force is not working, is because you didn't actually select your phoenix container as the source, but instead a "PhoenixForce" object in your scene. You need to choose the fluid container directly. It seems the PhoenixForce object returns the same interface as a phoenix container (hence it being selectable within a Fluid Force operator)...even though it's not technically a compatible object with the operator. I didn't even know a PhoenixForce was a thing until I looked at your scene, heh.

So yea....increase your velocity thresh and select the proper container and your scene will work.

Edit: ah, I see the issue now: when upgrading tyFlow to support Phoenix4.0+, I changed the code which filters out non-Phoenix objects in Phoenix-related pickbuttons, and it's simply not working at all at the moment...that's why it allowed you to select a non-Phoenix-container object (the PhoenixForce)...this will be fixed in the next build.

Messages In This Thread
RE: (Solved) Need help understanding Phoenix + TyFlow interaction - by tyFlow - 11-14-2019, 05:27 AM

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