tyConform freezes mesh animation
Hi Tyson,
I've attached a max file that contains an issue I've had with tyConform. I have a sheet animating over a path deform and am using a tyConform mod to help wrap the sheet around a nerve. It worked great for months, but I believe the latest updates may have created a bug. Now, the tyConform modifier will freeze the mesh in place and it will no longer animate over the path deform curve. You can see the effect by toggling the tyConform mod. 

I hope this is helpful, and is not just me being foolish! Thanks for all your hard work. 


Edit: I'm using 0.16061. I tried rolling back to 0.16059 with no success.

Alright, it looks like the culprit was a world space camera map modifier on the nerve geometry. At first glance, it still seems like it might be a bug?

Sorry - one more thought. It's possible that it wasn't one of the recent updates that broke it, as I've only introduced that world space camera map modifier I mentioned above relatively recently.

Attached Files
.max   tyconform_bug_01.max (Size: 1.89 MB / Downloads: 245)

Messages In This Thread
tyConform freezes mesh animation - by andylewisart - 12-09-2019, 10:40 PM
RE: tyConform freezes mesh animation - by tyFlow - 12-10-2019, 07:08 AM

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