General workflow questions/ FAQ update
Quote:What information of that initial flow gets carried over in the Birth flow?

In a Birth Flow operator it lists all the channels you can bring over Smile

Unfortunately particle bindings are not included. However, maybe in the future they will be.

Quote:How do I combine Physx and particle bind/particle physx together in one flow? I

Right now because the PhysX and particle bind solvers are independent, there's no easy way to achieve 2-way interactions.

Quote:Would I birth them in one event and in another event turn them to cloth via the cloth bind op?

This is correct. You can also see the "Particle Switch" operator allows you to exclude certain particles from the bind solver. Also the Cloth Bind operator has a mode (listed at the top) for converting cloth back to particle shapes.

Quote:4. Avoiding unnecessary updates

Better reset behavior is on the todo list for exactly the reason you mention. Currently the plan is to change it so that it will accept tweaks but just keep simming forward, rather than accepting a tweak and restarting.

Quote:We can use Birth Flow to pick an initial state of another flow.

Yes, although only the channels listed in the Birth Flow will carry forward....bindings do not.

Messages In This Thread
RE: General workflow questions/ FAQ update - by tyFlow - 04-04-2019, 03:08 PM

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