understanding simulation groups
In the PhysX Shape operator there are settings labeled "only collide with" and then you can choose a group.

So in your case, you'd assign groups 1 and 2 to particle A, and just group 2 to particle B, and then in PhysX Shape you'd say "only collide if group equal to 2". That way particles in group A won't intercollide but still collide with group B.

Messages In This Thread
understanding simulation groups - by SiriVFX - 05-03-2019, 11:08 AM
RE: understanding simulation groups - by tyFlow - 05-06-2019, 01:51 AM
RE: understanding simulation groups - by SiriVFX - 05-06-2019, 08:41 AM
RE: understanding simulation groups - by tyFlow - 05-06-2019, 09:21 AM
RE: understanding simulation groups - by tyFlow - 05-07-2019, 07:13 PM
RE: understanding simulation groups - by Andrey_B - 03-23-2020, 11:40 AM
RE: understanding simulation groups - by tyFlow - 03-23-2020, 08:26 PM
RE: understanding simulation groups - by Andrey_B - 03-25-2020, 06:16 AM

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