How to stop jittering after collision?
d4rk3lf's answer is great, I'll provide the "official" answer as well.

There are different types of common jittering that can occur:

* general PhysX rigidbody jittering: fix by lowering max velocity values in the PhysX Shape operator, increasing PhysX substeps, decreasing tyFlow time step
* PhysX Bind jittering: increase pos iterations setting in global PhysX parameters, as well as increasing PhysX substeps, etc.
* Particle Physics jittering: decrease Particle Physics collision stiffness, and increase Particle Bind Solver steps
* Partilce Bind jittering: decrease particle bind stiffness and increase Particle Bind Solver steps

All jittering in tyFlow is ultimately setup-dependent but the good news is that all of it is pretty easily fixable. It's usually just a matter of wrangling the above settings. Typically doing hacks like converting RBs to kinematic or adding artificial drag, etc, are not necessary.

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RE: How to stop jittering after collision? - by tyFlow - 05-19-2020, 03:03 AM

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