OpenCL failed to initialize after 15 seconds!
Hello all,

I’m hoping it's ok to post this here and someone much smarter than myself can help me with this issue. I’ve recently built a new rig and have been having some weird issues. Everything will run well for a long time (a few days even), and then at some point everything starts to slow down and hang up. I’ve done extensive tests on all the hardware and it has all passed, and I took it in to get it looked at at microcenter. They thought the issue was my cpu temps so we installed better cooling and it does seem to be a lot more responsive when it locks up, but it’s still happening.

When I open max I get the following OpenCL error message from Tyflow:

This message only appears when the lockups start happening. I have checked to make sure OpenCL is installed- when the program starts up I have my gpus listed in the openCL options, and I don't have any openCL.dll files in my max root folder so I am assuming it's a symptom of my system problem. It also takes an eternity to load max- yes, longer than usual Wink

I was hoping someone here could clue me into what exactly this message means because it may help me understand what could be going wrong with my system.

Much appreciated!

Messages In This Thread
OpenCL failed to initialize after 15 seconds! - by SeanRedmond - 06-29-2020, 08:12 PM

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