Voronoi with cluster center points (known function for more realism)
I was comparing the Voronoi fracturing between Tyflow and "FractureFX" (an old Maya tool I have, which has several advanced features for fracturing).
There is it possible to set random so-called "cluster points" (either randomly by number or by tex map), which makes it much more realistic looking.

This is procedurally imitating a natural behaviour:
Glas is not breaking uniform, there are centers like spiderwebs, which are building the voronoi fractures.
It is possible to set the number of those clusters and drive their position for example with texture map.

Please have a look, this would let fractures look more like in real life.

I have attached a screenshot here.

Messages In This Thread
Voronoi with cluster center points (known function for more realism) - by Alexx31 - 07-16-2020, 10:58 AM
RE: and also a Houdini comparison ;) - by Alexx31 - 08-07-2020, 09:19 AM

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