I cheked it again. VDB Display shows values betwin 0.0-0.99 in density chanel. As I understand, there shoud be cell values writed.
All my exported vdb files contains something like that "BDV ŕ 9a6b6253-f489-43f9-8032-2b7ce3eef802 LevelSet Tree_float_5_4_3 "
So I attached my scene
Thanks for tyFlow!
I almost abandoned 3ds MAX aftler 20 years of using it. Pflow is nice tool to me, but realy time consuming. tyFlow is realy game changer in my workflow.
right here
All my exported vdb files contains something like that "BDV ŕ 9a6b6253-f489-43f9-8032-2b7ce3eef802 LevelSet Tree_float_5_4_3 "
So I attached my scene
Thanks for tyFlow!
I almost abandoned 3ds MAX aftler 20 years of using it. Pflow is nice tool to me, but realy time consuming. tyFlow is realy game changer in my workflow.
right here