When I get the pixel value from changed offset time tick. tyflow is Very slow running
When I get the pixel value from changed offset time tick. tyflow is Very slow running .

It seems that bitmaps is called every time according to the changed tick input, but I think we need to modify the function rather than find a more effective method. Please check through the commented code.The processing speed is too slow. If you check the event log, you can see that the bitmap is read redundantly. I would appreciate it if you can supplement this.

The writing is a bit short because of my lack of English skills.
The sentences may not be smooth. so please understand me.  
Thank you very much.

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.zip   slow_running_when_get a pixel value_at_offseted_Time_ticks.zip (Size: 3.02 MB / Downloads: 185)

Messages In This Thread
When I get the pixel value from changed offset time tick. tyflow is Very slow running - by sjyong - 12-21-2020, 08:54 AM

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