Here is the script tyFlow uses to find Deadline. Perhaps it can help you debug your situation:
"getDeadlineNetworkRoot()" returns a string which is the network path of your deadline repo. Try running that script and see if the result you get is correct.
fn tf_waitForCommandToComplete params timeOutInSec outputFile exitCodeFile =
local result = -2
BinDir = systemTools.getEnvVariable( "DEADLINE_PATH" ) + "\\" --we grab the path to the binaries from the Windows Env. variable introduced in Deadline 7
DeadlineExec = BinDir + "deadlinecommand.exe" --this is the deadlinecommand that returns results in memory
DeadlineBGExec = BinDir + "deadlinecommandbg.exe" --this one writes the results to files on disk
ShellLaunch DeadlineBGExec (" -outputfiles \""+outputFile+"\" \""+exitCodeFile+"\" " + params)
local startTimeStamp = timestamp()
local ready = false
while not ready do
sleep 0.15
if doesFileExist exitCodeFile do
local theFile = openFile exitCodeFile
try(result = readValue theFile)catch(result = -2)
try(close theFile)catch()
ready = true
if timestamp() - startTimeStamp > timeOutInSec*1000 then
result = -3
ready = true
return case result of
0: #success
(-1): #failed
(-2): #readerror
(-3): #timeout
fn getDeadlineNetworkRoot =
local submitOutputFile = sysInfo.tempdir + "submitOutput.txt"
local submitExitCodeFile = sysInfo.tempdir + "submitExitCode.txt"
deleteFile submitOutputFile
deleteFile submitExitCodeFile
local result = tf_waitForCommandToComplete "-getrepositoryroot" 10 submitOutputFile submitExitCodeFile
if result == #success then
local resultFile = OpenFile submitOutputFile
local resultMsg = ""
if (resultFile != undefined) do
try(resultMsg = readLine resultFile)catch()
try(close resultFile)catch()
return resultMsg
) catch()
"getDeadlineNetworkRoot()" returns a string which is the network path of your deadline repo. Try running that script and see if the result you get is correct.