04-06-2019, 06:55 PM
Getting a setup like that is a bit more tricky. However, it's certainly possible.
First thing to do is select those objects in the scene and then in the tyFlow editor right click > utilities > tyActor properties rollout.
Then you can assign particle groups to your objects that will carry over into the particles that are generated for them by the tyActor. Thus, you can filter specific objects of your input rig, into separate events of your flow. From there you can do lots of customizations. For example, you could filter your windscreen into a separate event that checks how many of its PhysX bindings broke during the simulation (assuming its bindings are set to breakable)...if more than X bindings broke, you can send its particle off to an event with a voronoi operator or whatever to shatter it. That's how I handled windshield shattering in my instagram test.
Or you could filter the tires off to an event with a PhysX Bind operator whose break strength is lower, so that they have a tendency to break off easier, etc.
First thing to do is select those objects in the scene and then in the tyFlow editor right click > utilities > tyActor properties rollout.
Then you can assign particle groups to your objects that will carry over into the particles that are generated for them by the tyActor. Thus, you can filter specific objects of your input rig, into separate events of your flow. From there you can do lots of customizations. For example, you could filter your windscreen into a separate event that checks how many of its PhysX bindings broke during the simulation (assuming its bindings are set to breakable)...if more than X bindings broke, you can send its particle off to an event with a voronoi operator or whatever to shatter it. That's how I handled windshield shattering in my instagram test.
Or you could filter the tires off to an event with a PhysX Bind operator whose break strength is lower, so that they have a tendency to break off easier, etc.