Render simple smoke with tyFlow without Phoenix FD
The effect is really simple, and I'll leave now some more info on what is causing it, and how easily to achieve it, for anyone interested

I did now 2 simple boxes (look attachment) in scanline, and one stands behind other.
I applied the standard material,, blue color lowered the opacity, and increased the self-illumination a little bit.
And MOST importantly, under extended parameter, I switched from filter to "additive". 
What does additive do? 
Well, if you look carefully in the picture, where the boxes are overlapping, it's actually brighter, not dimmer (like it should be in some "real case scenario"). 
That's what additive mode in scanline means.. if you switch it back to "filter", it will be darker where boxes overlaps. 

Now, if you have ton's of little boxes (particles), swirling around, and turn on that additive mode, you'll get same result as that Allan McKay image, 

You could get pretty much same effect in Vray if you're using light material, and turn opacity lower, but as I say before, whenever I tried it, it was waaay too slow (even without GI).. basically I am very unhappy how vray handles transparency, either in this case, or in case of leaves textures, or stuff like that. 
I've tried RedShift demo, and it did it 50 times faster, so I bought RedShift... I don't want.. nor care to advertise them.. but it's really 50 to 100 times faster for the stuff I need. 

But then again, you can render regular self-illuminated pass of particles (without opacity (either in scanline, Vray, RedShift.. etc), and very easily, in any compositing app, clone that particle pass, switch to "screen" blending mode, and you'll get the pretty same effect. 

The simple test I did above are all just straight scanline renders, and done with Particle flow, that can use very cheap and fast, scanline image motion blur. 
Unfortunately, Tyflow still don't support cheap scanline image motion blur... it supports it.. but only if the particle meshes are constant.. not if they are born over time.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Render simple smoke with tyFlow without Phoenix FD - by d4rk3lf - 08-02-2021, 08:27 PM

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