08-20-2021, 02:32 AM
All operators work with all other operators in principle...the difference is only regarding which solvers will be activated at the end of the time step. The Cloth operator, for example, isn't processed by the PhysX solver. And similarly, PhysX operators aren't processed by the bind/cloth solver. But both can still affect the properties of any particle. You could, for example, apply PhysX shapes to each particle of a cloth mesh.
As for the scale operator, it does affect cloth...but I think you may be assuming it will scale the entire cloth instead of simply changing the scale of cloth particles. Assign a Shape operator to your cloth particles (so each vertex of the cloth has a shape mesh as well) and then apply a Scale operator...you'll see it works as intended (ie, on the particles).
As for the scale operator, it does affect cloth...but I think you may be assuming it will scale the entire cloth instead of simply changing the scale of cloth particles. Assign a Shape operator to your cloth particles (so each vertex of the cloth has a shape mesh as well) and then apply a Scale operator...you'll see it works as intended (ie, on the particles).