Cloth and PhysX - how to know which operators work with which system?
Indication that operator "doesn't work" would not be true, because they always work, it's just your understanding on what is going under hood is confusing you.
Once you have a little better understanding, everything will be straight forward.

Imagine I put a cloth operator into a physX shape sim.
I guess that Tyflow can easily "see" that this operator doesn't work, when it compares the flow before and after.

It will work.
If you place cloth/bind after the PhysX Shape operator, you will create bunch of new particles. 
You should be aware that when you apply cloth bind operator it does this: 
1) Creates new particle on each vertex of the mesh (and deletes old particles and their particle meshes)
2) Binds new particles together according to the cloth settings 
3) Creates new mesh (this is not a particle mesh, it's just "rigged mesh" to the particles) 

So, with cloth bind under the PhysX you basically deleted particles and particle meshes that PhysX uses (that's why it won't work anymore), creates bunch of new particles that are just points in space (that PhysX (without particle meshes) can't use. 
If you now place (bellow cloth) a shape operator (and choose, for example a little spheres), it will create particle meshes on each particle, and if you place PhysX shape bellow, the little spheres will drop on the floor (PhysX shape will work) 

Hope this helps. 

As for the scale operator, it does affect cloth...but I think you may be assuming it will scale the entire cloth instead of simply changing the scale of cloth particles. 

Hey Ty. 
Is there a way to scale cloth mesh in Tyflow? 
Actually, imagine I tear cloth to many small pieces (each cloth piece contains several verticies/particles moving on the wind). 
Can I somehow convert each cloth piece to single particle, and then use scale to scale them down (over time)?
Or some workaround fort that? 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cloth and PhysX - how to know which operators work with which system? - by d4rk3lf - 08-20-2021, 11:13 AM

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