08-22-2021, 11:14 AM
You can also use object bind operator.
Make a sphere, add a noise, animate noise however you like.
Then in Tyflow...
- Birth (at zero frame (start and end), as many particles as you like).
- Position object (pick a sphere)
- Object bind (pick a sphere), and set it to surface (snap to surface)
Now, they will be stuck on the surface of the sphere, and will follow it's animation.
You can add a force (turbulent wind), and lower object bind force to zero, and they will swirl around the sphere, but no particle fill leave it's surface.
Make a sphere, add a noise, animate noise however you like.
Then in Tyflow...
- Birth (at zero frame (start and end), as many particles as you like).
- Position object (pick a sphere)
- Object bind (pick a sphere), and set it to surface (snap to surface)
Now, they will be stuck on the surface of the sphere, and will follow it's animation.
You can add a force (turbulent wind), and lower object bind force to zero, and they will swirl around the sphere, but no particle fill leave it's surface.