Inaccuary when away from scene center
Thanks for the quick answer.
Unfortunately I can't just use a cache from my particle test scene, as there are different to show in the final scene (different speeds, uneven ground, ...)

I am gonna simplify my scene and send it to you right away, thx!

(09-23-2021, 02:35 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Assuming your scene scale isn't massive (units set to something very tiny)....I'm not sure why your sim would be less accurate at a couple meters away. Likely something else is going on. You can send the scene to if you want me to look at it.

Quickest fix would be to export the correct sim as a tyCache and then just move the tyCache object in space to the location you want it, so the sim itself will be the same and you just offset the cache. After exporting to tyCache make sure you set the tyCache object's coordinates to local so that it becomes moveable.

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RE: Inaccuary when away from scene center - by DominikW - 09-23-2021, 03:09 PM

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